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PAUL MARIUS created a stir with its first gathering of classic cars.
This unique event took place in Normandy, in the grounds of the Château de Belbeuf.
On Saturday 13 May 2023, PAUL MARIUS and its teams organised the first PAUL MARIUS Course & Collection at the Château de Belbeuf. A unique exhibition for all lovers and enthusiasts of classic cars.
Under the Normandy sun, almost 100 prestigious cars from the 1930s to the 1970s were on display in an exceptional setting.
A family event that brought together more than 1,500 people, young and old, to support a common charity: Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.
During the day, visitors and exhibitors were able to share their passion for classic vehicles through a wide range of activities, including car rides and 'Discovery in the Forest' walks. All donations went to Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.
Thanks to everyone's generosity, we raised a total of 9,620€.
We look forward to seeing you again next year at the PAUL MARIUS Course & Collection!