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Wedding season is in full swing, so it's time to get dressed up and find the handbag that's just right for your outfit. Small and discreet, or the star accessory of your perfect wedding outfit, the choice of handbag is not a matter of chance.
Once you've selected your outfit, it's time to choose the main accessory that will complete your choice: the handbag.
Sober and elegant, like the Mademoiselle George XS Pastel Blush, metallic like the Paula Rose Gold, L'Essentiel Gold or LeMini Indispensable Copper, PAUL MARIUS' mini leather bags will complement even the most sober outfits with an elegant and refined touch of light.
For a more assertive or sophisticated look, dare to make a statement with the stylish maxi models in our La Suite range.
Carried on the shoulder or by hand, the Gisèle S and Colette S models are the ideal leather handbags for a wedding. Their capacity allows you to carry everything you'll need throughout the day and evening. Ideal if you're lucky enough to be one of the witnesses.